At Elite Garage Solutions there is no higher priority than the safety and well being of our clients and employees.
We are closely monitoring the ongoing Covid-19 coronavirus outbreak, and following the guidelines and recommendations of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). We want to share with you some of the actions we are taking to help protect our clients and employees.
1. Any employees that have a cold or flu-like symptoms are required to stay home.
2. All of our design consultants and installers wash and sanitize their hands before and after each consultation or installation.
3. Our design consultants only meet in an open air garages with the doors open for maximum ventilation. We do not shake hands and keep a safe distance apart. The consultation and installation process has minimal face to face interaction. The first step is to give us an idea of what you are hoping to accomplish with your space. Once this is established; you can go back into your home while we take measurements of the space. We can then email the proposal and 3D rendering of your garage. Design changes can be made on a phone consultation.
4. Installations do not require your presence, and again the installations are done in an open air garage environment. The installers will continue performing the required hygiene recommendations.
5. It has been reported that the virus can stay active on surfaces up to three days. Due to this, all cabinet and shelving surfaces will be thoroughly wiped down after installation with a disinfectant by our installation team to further ensure client safety.
The safety and health of our clients and employees are extremely important to us and we look forward to continuing to provide you with the outstanding service you deserve.
During these unusual times, we reaffirm our commitment to our clients, our staff and the communities we serve. We look forward to helping you today and for many years to come.
If you would like more information to help prevent the spread of Covid-19, you may visit